So, how do we go about determining what our values and ethics are? Perhaps the best approach is to start with developing a statement that encompasses an overall picture of your values and ethics. This opening part of your paper needs to be general in nature and should
reflect your beliefs, and not necessarily a statement of fact. Are your values based on family, health, achievements, wealth, job success, happiness, faith, love, or anything else that you hold in great esteem, that perhaps you would be willing to even die for? Think of your value statement as what defines you as a person. You took a similar inventory in Module 2, so your answer might be similar. However, after reading the material in this course, you may have changed your perspectives on some of these items. If so, explain. Certainly, you now have a theoretical framework in which to place these values, so make sure you add that information.
Once you determine what you value, then you can transition to formulating a personal ethics statement. How have your values informed your decisions and shaped the way you live? This part of the paper would include your personal view of ethics. In addition, consider how this code was instilled in you from the time you were born until now. What personality traits do you consider to be closely related to ethical and unethical behavior? Why? How do you see your development according to Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development (
The next step in the process is to think about your values and ethics from the different ethical perspectives covered in the course. This will require you to think critically, synthesize and apply theory to your life. You might try to address as many ethical theories as possible, but you can also focus on just applying one or two if that is what you prefer to do. For example, you could use a gerontological perspective to represent how a duty/rule-based approach was used by your parents, family, faith or religion (how were the principles of respect of others, honesty, handwork, success, altruism, morality, excellence or the opposites, etc. taught as morally wrong or right regardless of the outcomes achieve?). Or maybe you would like to apply a utilitarian approach in which an assessment of the overall outcomes of consequences (greatest benefit and overall happiness vs. greatest harm and unhappiness) was used mainly to determine right and wrong? You could also take consider the influence of egoism, person hood and rights or virtue-based ethics on other aspects or issues in your life. In this section, make sure you use the text as evidence.
In your concluding paragraph describe the person you are today and maybe address the person you want to become. Are they the same person or different? As a result of this reflection, do you have areas in your life that you want to change or work on? What would you most like to change about yourself? Can you do it? If you were dying right now, what is the most important thing you might say to your best friend about life and how to live it? You may want to consider the chapters on virtue theory. Which of these virtues is most important to you? Why? How might you work on developing it?