Is there a local chapter other than student? Where do they meet?

.There are web pages devoted to engineering professions. Using the access to the internet choose one of these societies for investigation.

-The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
–The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, (IEEE)
–The American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE)
–Society of Manufacturing Engineers, (SME).
–The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
–The Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
–The Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
2.Answer the following questions about the professional society you have selected:
–What is the internet address?
–What do they offer the members?
–Do they have student members? How much does it cost to join?
–Do we have a student chapter?
–What information do they have for students about the society and what the engineers do who belong?
–Do they have an information about employment?
–Do they have subgroups with the society? What are they?
–Do they offer print material? What is it?
–Do they have any videos?
–Do they meet? Where?
–Is there a local chapter other than student? Where do they meet?
–Do they have information about professionalism?

Do they have a code of ethics?