Does this business plan do justice to my dreams and goals of owning a business?

Resources: All previous parts of the Business Plan Practice, Appendix 2—Sample Student Business Plan—and Appendix 3—Advanced Business Plan—in EntrepreneurshipStarting and Operating a Small Business

Combine all previous parts of the Business Plan Practice and submit it as your Final Business Plan project.

Locate Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business:

  • Access the text within the eBook collection through the link provided
  • Click theDownload eBooklink
  • Click theEntrepreneurship_Entire_eBook.pdflink
  • Click Open or Save when prompted
  • Use the Adobe down-arrow or scrollbar to navigate to Appendix 2 and Appendix 3

Refer to Appendix 2 as a sample and Appendix 3 as a format guide. The business should reflect the merits of a plan that represents a business venture in a real business environment. As you prepare your business plan, ask these questions:

  • Does this business plan do justice to my dreams and goals of owning a business?
  • If I saw this business plan presented by someone else, would I be interested and eager to participate and invest in the project?