Describe the leadership skills he or she used to foster creativity in successful ways.


  • Part 1: Provide an opening section where you provide your assessment of the characteristics of this innovation leader that you currently do not possess or demonstrate that you would like to develop. Your own characteristics are the baseline in the analysis, and the innovation leader you identified is the model. If you are not currently in a leadership role, envision how you might develop these characteristics in a future position. Be sure to consider the following factors and questions:
    • Explain how this innovation leader supported a creative environment, and how they catalyzed, implemented, and promoted innovation in the organization.
    • Describe the leadership skills he or she used to foster creativity in successful ways.
    • How does the leader engage stakeholders (vendors, executives, board members, employees) in the innovative or creative process? For example, how does the leader conduct a stakeholder analysis?
  • Provide an inventory of leadership characteristics exhibited by this leader using the Leader Characteristic Inventory Handout document in this week’s Resources.
  • Part 2: Provide a self-assessment on the extent to which you have (or need to cultivate to be successful) the dimension of leadership that foster creativity. For each of the following dimensions of leadership, assess how you currently display (or would display) the dimensions in your work and professional life. Provide a brief explanation of your self-assessment for each of the dimensions listed below. (Refer to “The Innovator’s DNA” for more details about each of these innovator dimensions): . B., & Christensen, C. M. (2009). The innovator’s DNA. Harvard