What would you say their astrological sign is, and what about them and their work leads you to believe this?

line evaluate the chart at the link posted below. Pretend for a little while that Astrology is real, and determine what you think the astrological sign of each of the artists listed below based upon what you know about them and their work.

What would you say their astrological sign is, and what about them and their work leads you to believe this? I’m looking to see you show your familiarity with the artists, the work they did, and the styles and artistic movements they were associated with. A well-developed paragraph or two should do for each artist. Try to have some fun with it.

AGAIN YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT EACH OF THE ARTISTS LISTED, so you should have a minimum of four well-developed paragraphs.

Astrological chart: http://nuclear.ucdavis.edu/~rpicha/personal/astrology/

1. Rothko

2. Pollock

3. Warhol

4. Rauschenberg