Assignment #2 (3-5 pages in Word, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. 50 points)
Research Evaluation:
Select one, specific, theory from Module 2 (Social Structure or Social Process groups) to evaluate. For the theory you have chosen, identify two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles which tests the specific theory you have selected. For each article, summarize how they tested the theory. Identify the author’s hypothesis, describe the method used in the study (including the data and collection), and describe the research findings. Did the findings support or refute the theory? Finally, summarize what you found after reviewing the two articles for the theory. Is the theory you selected mostly supported or unfounded based on the empirical research of the two articles you reviewed.
Your textbook and two scholarly articles are the only sources you need of this assignment. You may use direct quotes if necessary. Proper in-text and bibliographic citation (APA style) is absolutely required.
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